We did have a really awesome week, despite time moving a lot faster than I would have liked. The girls had their final Girl Scout meetings of 2013 and found out that each of their troops was able to raise over $300 from the bake sale extravaganza (**I just love that word...don't you?). That is just amazing! They're well on their way to having enough money for their first Girl Scout overnight trip (and I'm trying really hard not to freak out about that and remember that it will be amazing for them). They got to celebrate and have parties and all kinds of fun stuff. Brian found out that he made NCO of the Quarter thanks to all the awesome stuff he's been doing at work. (I'm super proud and excited!!) And Mr. Hayden read to me.
Did you see what I just wrote there? He read to me.
I cried, just so you know. I mean, it would be awesome to sit here and tell you that I was that super cool mom that handled it like a pro and was all "you're doing so great...keep going". No. That is not what happened. I cried....and cried and cried. I'll sing from the rooftops about how awesome and smart and fabulous he is, and how I know he can do anything he wants, but there's always this tiny part inside of me that wonders what the future holds. Will he ever live on his own or have a job or...learn to read? Well, let me tell you, singing-me jumped for joy at the sound of him reading and pretty much laughed in doubting-wondering-about-the-future-me's face. And then I cried. (There were a lot of tears. It was an off-and-on-again thing for a bit.)
As for me being awesome this week? I'd love (like really love) to tell you that I achieved some long awaited goal like climbing Mt Everest (except that's not one of my goals, like ever) or learned some super cool new thing, but no. I did not. I did find out that I received an A in my Intro to Spanish class by the skin of my teeth. No seriously, by one one-hundredth of a point. It was close. And I did get all of the laundry clean - does that count at all? No, not really? Aww, that's sad. I felt like it was a major accomplishment. How bout the fact that 3/4 of the Christmas presents are wrapped? They'd all be wrapped except I ran out of places to hide things. British houses are not known for their ample storage/hiding spaces, so for now the rest reside in the boxes they were shipped in and the boxes are strategically sitting in the floor of my room. (I'm a rebel like that.)
I will most definitely try to work my awesomeness next week. Although, I think if I can find a way to keep the kids from ripping into the Christmas presents before they wake us up, I will have achieved greatness. Right now I'm thinking of using crepe paper to make papery-type obstacle course of sorts that they'll wake up to Christmas morning. I'm thinking that when they try to get through it, they'll make so much noise that it'll wake us up and we can all enjoy present unwrapping together. The other possibility is that Hayden will just demolish my crepe paper masterpiece and I'll sleep right through it, thereby missing the unwrapping of presents. (Hopefully I figure something out soon.)
Well, anyway, if I don't talk to you before Wednesday - I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! We miss you bunches & love you all so much!
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