So I feel like it's been an eternity since I've been here. I have spent the better part of the last week studying and figuring out Christmas presents for the kids (well, and mourning what I thought was the end of a book series that I really love) that I didn't even realize it was Friday until around 10 this morning. (It's probably a good thing I did realize it so I didn't try to send the kids to school tomorrow.) I also forgot to move our Elf on the Shelf for an entire week. Word of advice - don't do that. Don't forget to move them...your kids might think he's dead. (Mine did.)
But yay because it is Friday - no school for me for 3 whole weeks. And on top of that, we actually finished our Christmas shopping today...and (!) I got the Christmas cards mailed this week too. Now I don't know if they'll make it to anyone before Christmas, but it's the thought that counts, right? And how did I celebrate this wonderfulness? (Because everything wonderful must be celebrated.) I baked...a lot. Not for us though. The girls have their very first Girl Scout fundraisers this weekend - a bake sale. And this mama is nothing if not a proactive baker and supportive Girl Scout mom. (Which really means that, yes, I will contribute and volunteer for just about anything they have going on if you give me puppy dog eyes and tell me that they need me.) So they did (give me the sad eyes and the "we really need you" speech) so I stood in my kitchen for an unmentionable amount of time baking. (They really do need me right? Please tell me they did and my feet aren't hurting like this for nothing.)
Thankfully, once they were all baked Brian stepped in and set up an assembly line. 100+ cookies (with more to come tomorrow) were wrapped up by the 2 of us while the girls taped and labeled. Being a proactive baker and supportive GS mama is tiring, y'all. (Did I tell you that Brian and I spent almost the whole day walking around Cambridge? Maybe that's really why my feet hurt so bad.)
Fortunately it's just about bed time here. (Ahh, another sweet sound - silence.) So I'm going to hole up on my couch with a book and some wine. But not until I move the elf. The apocalypse may happen if I forget again.
Good night y'all.
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