Friday, November 22, 2013

Really Super Old

I normally don't like to post multiple times a day but I just couldn't resist this.

On any given Friday night you'll find us spread out on the couch with bowls of popcorn for family movie night. (It's my favorite night of the week.) Tonight we watched The Iron Giant - super awesome! The kids loved it! But the best part of the evening (for me anyway) came after the movie was over. My sweet little Kenzie-bug had a lot of questions. And in true Makenzie fashion, she hurled them at me without stopping, or taking a breath.

Makenzie:! Who decided to make people, are giant robots real, where did we come from, what happens when we die, what is a soul, did God make people, did God make me, where is God buried, where do babies come from...

((To which I put my hand over her mouth))

Me: One question at a time princess. We'll talk about where babies come from when you're older. Giant robots like that are not real. And God is not buried anywhere.

Makenzie: What? God has to be buried somewhere, mom. He's, like, really old. Really super old. He was probably born in the 80s.

((Brian and I busted out laughing))

Me: Thanks, bug. Your daddy and I were born in the 80s.

So it's official. I am, apparently, really super old.

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