Friday, November 22, 2013

It's Character Building

I remember a conversation that the mister and I had a few years ago. We were talking about places to get stationed - which would be our top picks, which would be ok (but not fabulously awesome), and which ones I'd prefer having a root canal before we got stationed there. The topic of Alaska came up. For the record, he would love to go there. Me? Um, not really. Let's put aside the wildlife - I'm sure it's awesome and great and oh-so-fun to see moose and whatever else, but I think I paid my wildlife dues dealing with bears. Could I do it again? Sure, but I think I'd just rather not. :) There's also the cold factor - like, for serious, cold. I don't like the cold. Not even a little bit. But the real reason I don't want to live there? That crazy daylight/no daylight thing. That has always just freaked me out a bit. And there I was (many moons ago) telling my hubby that Alaska was a no-go for me. I didn't want to deal with the sun being up in the middle of the night or for it to be dark during the day. And I didn't want to be that cold. 

And this is what happened. The universe...whatever powers that be....overheard me. And they laughed. And many years later we got orders to England. I jumped up and down with excitement, planned out all the places I would love to take the kids, went through about 7 months of denial, and then accepted that we were really moving to England.

And we got here.....and it was COLD. Really cold. Snowing cold. (Did I mention I don't like the cold?)

And then we moved into a house that has windows in the ceiling. Windows without any type of shade or curtain or covering at all.

Life was peachy (except for that cold thing). Until Spring came. I'll show you why.

That is the beautiful (sunny) view of my front 9:00 at night

Yes. The sun started coming up around 3:30 in the morning and went down around 10. What?! And now, we are well into fall, quickly approaching winter (or so says the thermometer outside that reads 35 degrees). And the sun light you ask?

Well, that is the sun 3:45 in the afternoon.
What is this craziness?

So yes, the universe had a very good laugh. We didn't move to Alaska but I still have to deal with crazy sunlight and cold weather. (Did I tell you that my car doors were frozen shut this morning? Yeah.) It's character building though, right?

At least there aren't any bears...

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