Friday, January 29, 2016

Procrastination Problem

 I think my procrastination problem may have reached critical level. It's important to admit that you have a problem, right? Well, I'm pretty sure I do.

I knew those movers were coming...the ones I already told you about. We scheduled them like three weeks ago, so I knew they were coming to pick up our furniture. I sat and thought about it. Thought about how much I needed to do to get ready to ship our stuff. I thought about how insane it was going to be if I didn't do anything to get ready. I thought about all of it between watching episodes of Sons of Anarchy and binge reading a pile of books.

Yeah, I didn't get ready for the movers. Ok, wait. I kind of did. I made the kids clean their rooms and separate out their stuff. And I ran around the house sticking post-its on everything. (Literally.)

Because actually moving all the things I didn't want packed somewhere else would have made more sense, right? And my post-it system seemed like just the right amount of crazy. I'll go ahead and tell you that it didn't help that much, in case you're thinking of doing it yourself one day. All I heard for about an hour or two was "Excuse me, miss?", "Hey Dondi?", "Um, ma'am?" as I ran up and down the stairs, cursing the empty coffee pot. Eventually, I just grabbed a book and some blankets and hid in the corner of the living room where no one could see me. Another awesome decision, right? I just sat there and watched as they barricaded me in with piles of my stuff, and rarely ever noticed I was sitting there. (Yes, that plan does work. You should try it.)

That was my vantage point as they kept filling the room around me. It was kind of like watching a movie, only not.

Now most of my things are gone. And every day I go try to find something only to discover it was packed and is on it's way to my new home. Including a bunch of my clothes. Because, dammit, I forgot to set those aside and didn't mark them with a post-it. And because I sat around for three weeks thinking about maybe, possibly getting up and getting ready for movers but not actually doing it.

I will mention that I saved my makeup from the movers. In a mad-dash of insanity, I ran into my room all "hey there! No no no no no! You can't pack that! Post-it!! I need those!" and pulled it all back out of the box. ....I didn't, however, save my clothes. (We all have our priorities.)

We have more movers coming in a few weeks. And, yeah, I know I need to get ready for those too. But I probably won't. So I'd say my procrastination has definitely become a problem. (Procrastinators Anonymous anyone?)

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