Friday, January 29, 2016

Procrastination Problem

 I think my procrastination problem may have reached critical level. It's important to admit that you have a problem, right? Well, I'm pretty sure I do.

I knew those movers were coming...the ones I already told you about. We scheduled them like three weeks ago, so I knew they were coming to pick up our furniture. I sat and thought about it. Thought about how much I needed to do to get ready to ship our stuff. I thought about how insane it was going to be if I didn't do anything to get ready. I thought about all of it between watching episodes of Sons of Anarchy and binge reading a pile of books.

Yeah, I didn't get ready for the movers. Ok, wait. I kind of did. I made the kids clean their rooms and separate out their stuff. And I ran around the house sticking post-its on everything. (Literally.)

Because actually moving all the things I didn't want packed somewhere else would have made more sense, right? And my post-it system seemed like just the right amount of crazy. I'll go ahead and tell you that it didn't help that much, in case you're thinking of doing it yourself one day. All I heard for about an hour or two was "Excuse me, miss?", "Hey Dondi?", "Um, ma'am?" as I ran up and down the stairs, cursing the empty coffee pot. Eventually, I just grabbed a book and some blankets and hid in the corner of the living room where no one could see me. Another awesome decision, right? I just sat there and watched as they barricaded me in with piles of my stuff, and rarely ever noticed I was sitting there. (Yes, that plan does work. You should try it.)

That was my vantage point as they kept filling the room around me. It was kind of like watching a movie, only not.

Now most of my things are gone. And every day I go try to find something only to discover it was packed and is on it's way to my new home. Including a bunch of my clothes. Because, dammit, I forgot to set those aside and didn't mark them with a post-it. And because I sat around for three weeks thinking about maybe, possibly getting up and getting ready for movers but not actually doing it.

I will mention that I saved my makeup from the movers. In a mad-dash of insanity, I ran into my room all "hey there! No no no no no! You can't pack that! Post-it!! I need those!" and pulled it all back out of the box. ....I didn't, however, save my clothes. (We all have our priorities.)

We have more movers coming in a few weeks. And, yeah, I know I need to get ready for those too. But I probably won't. So I'd say my procrastination has definitely become a problem. (Procrastinators Anonymous anyone?)

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tick Tock

I can feel the clock ticking down on our move. The packing company will be here before I realize it and I probably won't be ready. And I think I'm going to completely blame this cold weather -- the ice made me do it defense. It will work, right? Ok. Probably not. But I just have no motivation to get ready for them. I've been waiting for this day and now that it's here and I'm kind of just feeling

We found out that we were moving a world away from where we are and they said "oh hey, by the way, you need to be ready to leave in 8 weeks." So I was all "A transcontinental move in 8 weeks? Super!! That probably means I need to start getting a lot done, huh?" Well...yeah...about that. How about I make a lot of plans for moving and then just think about them? Does that sound good?

Every day I add to my far-too-long to do list and schedule all of the appointments like the great wife that I think I am. And I sit and stare at the calendar and growing list of things I really (like really, really) need to be doing and just feel exhausted. So I take a nap. That's totally justified, right? Scheduling appointments is hard work. I mean, I'm remembering to pack my kids' lunches every day and pick them up from school, so I kind of feel like I should get a star. Not a gold one or anything. But maybe a red one.

But in all honesty, thinking about having to go through a 3 hour Agricultural Inspection just makes me want to curl up on my couch and watch tv. Ok...I actually did that yesterday. I thought about all of the things I needed to do and then sat on the couch and watched 3 back-to-back Harry Potter movies with my kids in honor of Alan Rickman. Plus we love us some Harry Potter in this house, so I didn't really need an excuse to veg out and binge watch the movies.

What I do need is something to kick my butt into super high gear. Those to do list things aren't going to do themselves, though that would be awesome. I've thought about trying to take up an espresso habit. You know, one every hour or so. But that seems a bit excessive and I'm kind of afraid it might make me a bit neurotic. So I just sit on my couch and think about it...along with all the things I need to be doing.

My movers are really going to hate me.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

And All That Stuff

Part of me is sitting here like "I can't believe I'm doing this right now...blogging...and building a site from the ground up no less...right when so much is going on". Because I'm kind of a masochist like that. Right in the middle of a move across the world (because, yeah) I decide that I need to build this new site now. Like right now. Not in a few months when things have settled down and I've gotten into a good rhythm in the new place. But now. Yesterday even.

I really need to learn some patience.

But here I am. I should have learned my lesson a long time ago - I need blogging like I need new books. (Because that's a lot in case you didn't know. And we won't discuss how many I've bought in the last week.) There are times when my life slightly resembles a circus and for whatever reason blogging seems to help me with that. And yeah we all have our crazy days. But sometimes the crazy starts to out number the not-crazy. Like chicken-chasing days. Have you ever had that? We totally have. We've chased a random neighborhood chicken through our yard for 30 minutes. (And we may or may not have returned it to the wrong neighbor...while they weren't home. I plead the 5th on that one.)

Our mystery chicken. Yeah.

I kind of need this to get the crazy out. To keep me from leaving my house to run errands in my pajamas and slippers, which I did last week in case you were wondering. I even got out of the car and started to go in before I noticed it.

So here I am doing this now. But at least we're in this together, right?