Saturday, March 21, 2015

Surprise Surprise

Right now you're probably sitting at your computer thinking "holy whaaaa?? She's on here twice in 2 days??" I know. Twice in 2 days...after being gone an unmentionable amount of time. It's that whole attention-span-of-a-squirrel thing I've got goin' on. But I had to shout from the rooftops about the most amazing thing ever(!!!!) that happened today.

The hubs had to run some errands this morning while I hopped in the shower....Wait. Let's backtrack a second. We're not going to talk about showering on here. That's just not kosher. 

So, back to the errands. He went and it was awesome in all it's errandy glory. (But for serious, y'all, it was just some errands.) And then he called me on his way home and told me he had a surprise for me.

Oooh!! I love surprises! Actually, I'm still on the fence about surprises. It really depends on what kind of surprise it is because sometimes surprises can go very badly. But that's a story for another day.

I was still up in our room when the hubs walked in with a cardboard box that contained this mystery item. He shared his errand story with me and then handed me the box. 

I about imploded from sheer excitement!


For serious, authentic, Mexican street taaaccooooosss!! Right here in England!!! Can you believe it?! I sure as hell couldn't.

As it turns out, there's a street taco truck at the local market on Saturdays. The same market that we quit going to well over a year ago because none of us wanted to get up that early. So all this time I could've been eating these.....(yes, I'm hanging my head in shame). But! No worries, because from here on out I will be visiting these lovely street taco people every chance I get. They were delicious!! 

I'll go ahead and tell you now that the hubs and I sat up in our room and ate them in secret. We totally did not share any of them with our kids. (I have no guilt over that at all.)

And you probably thought my super awesome amazing thing that happened was that we found out that we're moving somewhere great. Or that I won the lottery. Or someone gave me a free car. Hahaha! Nope. Just some taacccoooosss. 

I'm kind of an easy girl to please.

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