Thursday, September 18, 2014

Yes, We're from Texas

It's been a crazy 2 weeks! Has it been for you? It's been kind of an adjustment for us - all the new things that go along with having the girls in the Brit school. I'm getting there though. I haven't forgotten to send them with lunch yet so I think I'm doing good. I came close once, but I don't count that.

Anyway. I came across this thing a while back on Facebook about what Brits think of us Americans and I wanted to show you...but then I forgot. (Because, you know, I have the attention span of a squirrel.) I would love to give credit where credit is due and tell you who posted it, but I forgot that too. (And I'm far too lazy to go sift through everyone's stuff to find out.)

Typically, when we're out places...usually places further away from the bases...we get a lot of "oh you're from America!" (Gee, what gave it away?) And then comes the "where are you from" questions. And if the person has spent any kind of time in the States, for whatever reason they can usually guess that I am from Texas pretty quickly. (I haven't figured out why. I don't acknowledge that I have an accent at all.) If they haven't been to the States, and know absolute zero about it, once they learn that we are in fact from the great state of Texas I get the really fun questions: do you own horses, why don't you wear those big hats...or those big boots, do you drive a truck, so you really like guns. {{Please insert deadpan silence here}}

No. A resounding no to all questions. Lol I'm from a city...a pretty big one actually, own a dog who (to be fair) could probably be mistaken for a horse, drive a minivan, detest hats, don't discuss gun control, footwear is a personal thing but I prefer flip flops or converse...and no, I don't own any of those big belt buckles either. I mean, c'mon y'all! (lol!!) 

So, yes, it seems the Brits have some very interesting opinions about us. (I blame TV...and YouTube.) Are you curious about what they think?

Honestly, I got a pretty good laugh from this. But it does explain some of the weird questions I've gotten in the last year and a half. 

Anywho! It is morning so I should probably stop playing on the computer and go get to all that parenting stuff. Like making sure my girls have lunches for school. (That might be good.)

Much love my sweets! <3

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