Sunday, August 17, 2014

Space, the Final Frontier

Have you been having a wonderful week? I really hope so. I am (finally) back in school and I have spent most of the last week studying. I do enjoy being back in school, but studying with the kids at home always proves to be a bit of a challenge. Lol

Yesterday, though, I took a much needed entertainment break. We piled in the van with our wonderful friends, Mani & Amy, and headed out to the UK's National Space Center in Leicester. (Which, by the way, is pronounced "Lester". Don't say it "Lye-chester". That annoys the people there and makes you look weird. Not that I would know anything about that.)

The kids had tons of fun! And Miss Kierstin was in space-nerd heaven! (Lol!!) They got to look at all kinds of different suits that the astronauts wear. They were able to walk through a replica of the Columbus module at the International Space Station. They learned about the different planets and their rotations around the sun. And we even learned about the search for aliens. =) There was a planetarium show (narrated by Rupert Grint...a.k.a Ron from Harry Potter...which the kids thought was extra cool) that talked about finding life on other planets. And after it was all over they even got to try some astronaut ice cream (which they really liked).

It was pretty awesome!

Walking into a planetary exhibit

Learning about NASA's Space Shuttle Program

Playing inside a module replica

Inside the Columbus module replica

Kierstin is making herself look like an alien

After the Space Center closed, we found a fabulous little Italian restaurant called Altro Mondo, and had the most amazing dinner ever. It really was. If we ever happen to find ourselves out that way again, I'm going back. The food was so super tasty and the staff was fabulous. (Our chef even came out to the table. I'm nerdy enough that I didn't think that was a real thing.)

We finally had to head back home though. (Sad, right? I know.) It was even more sad when we got home and the world's largest spider was hanging out on my living room wall. Well, to be fair, it wasn't really the largest spider ever. But it was still really big. It's leg span was probably bigger than the palm of my hand. (Creepy!!) And it had NO intentions of leaving. Every time Brian tried to knock it off the wall, it moved out the way *just* in time, finally going behind the tv. I'm sure it thought it would be safe behind the tv. (Ha ha, not so much.)

This is what Brian resorted to so he could save me from the gigantic spider. I refused to go to bed until it was gone because I was absolutely certain that I would wake up in the middle of the night and find it in our bed. (Like it was just plotting some kind of revenge or something.)

But! Giant spiders aside, yesterday was great. The kids had a wonderful time walking through the Space Center and learning about everything. And I do love watching their little eyes light up over things like that. And if the universe is listening, I would really love to know what it is I'm doing to keep attracting giant weirdo spiders. (Remind me sometime to tell you the story of the banana spider circa 2007.) I'd really like them to go away.

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend! <3 Much love!

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