Friday, June 6, 2014

A Lot of Yays!

Happy first week of June! (lol) And happy Friday! (Yay!) I love Fridays. I don't really know why. It's not like I get a break on the weekends - dishes still get dirty...and there's actually more laundry. But I still love Fridays. Maybe it's something that gets ingrained in your subconscious when you're little. Friday = awesome! I don't know. 

I have spent the better part of this week finding projects to do around my house. It almost seems ridiculous. But I'm starting to get antsy being stuck in the house with nothing to do to entertain me. We had beautiful weather a few weeks ago so I could at least be outside. But then it all just left. 

This isn't how it always looks. But the sun just seemed to run away and hide, meaning no being outside for me. (Boo!!) So. I had to start searching (inside) for stuff to do. And sadly, I cannot rearrange any furniture in this house. Seriously - I am really sad about this (even if Brian isn't). I love to rearrange my furniture. But the way our house is built, the furniture only fits the way it is. (So sad!) Thankfully though, the sun is back out (yay!!) and between my projects and soaking in all that vitamin D, I'm finding my entertainment somewhere. :)

Anyway!! Enough about the weather! 

Have I told you our very awesome news? We are not moving. (Yayyyy!) I am very happy about this. Like, really, you have no idea. As much as I like to rearrange furniture, I hate to move. I think it's the packing part of it. Well, no. It's probably 20% packing and 80% house hunting. House hunting is not fun. (Especially in England - ask me about it sometime, but be prepared for my soapbox.) The other half of the "not moving" awesomness, is that....the girls are switching schools next year. I got the confirmation email this morning. (Really, how many more times can I say "yay"??) They will be attending a British school next year. 

When we first brought up the idea to them, Makenzie was all for it. She asked if she could start the next day. Lol! Right now, their bus ride is an hour long which means they have to get up at 5:30 in the morning. When I told them they wouldn't have to get up until *maybe* 8-ish and they wouldn't have to ride the bus anymore, she was sold. Kierstin on the otherhand was not. Being the tween girl that she is (lol!!) she did not want to leave her friends and she was adamantly opposed to wearing uniforms. She's coming around to the idea though. You know, once she found out that the school has it's own swimming pool. Lol!

We are leaving Hayden in the US school here - I don't want to mess up his routines and systems and everything. And next year is going to be enough changes for him as it is. So it should be interesting trying to remember 2 completely different school schedules. Hayden will stay on the schedule that I'm used to - the same one we've pretty much always had. The girls, however, will start a year-round schedule. It'll be fun...challenging...character building. (Ha!) We're excited though. In a few weeks, the Head Teacher (a.k.a. Principal) is letting them visit for a day and follow other students around the school to see the differences so they'll know what to expect. I think they're really going to love it!

Speaking of those sweet not-so-little munchkins - they should be starting to get home soon. So I guess that means my free time is just about over. I hope you are having a wonderful Friday!

Much love sweeties! <3

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