Wednesday, April 30, 2014

It's a Ridiculous Process!

Normally, I'm doing good to make it here once a week to post something about what we're up to. There's actually a lot that I'd love to talk about, but I have trouble finding the time. So I'm kind of surprised that I made it here 2 days in a row. But I did. Lol

So. How did I manage it? Well, partly because I was already sitting at the computer. And partly because I'm annoyed. I thought I'd share my annoyance with you. (Ha!) Don't you feel lucky?!

There's a chance we might move (houses...not bases). Really, there's a whole backstory about why but it's kind of long so I'm not going to go into right now. But, yes, we are house-hunting...again. 

Do you remember back like a year and some months ago, when we first got here? Back when I had to do this the last time? No? Well, it was ridiculous. I detest looking at houses - in case you were wondering. The whole process of searching for houses & looking at pictures....very, very, very deceiving (& probably really old) pictures. Then you have to schedule appointments to go look at them (which means I have to hope that the universe aligns and I can find an opening in my schedule, Brian's, and the realtor's). And once we get it scheduled, I have to drive over there and hope my GPS doesn't have an aneurysm in the process and stop working, leaving me stranded in the middle of who-knows-where, with no cell reception. (That almost happened yesterday. Thankfully, knocking my GPS on the dashboard woke it up & all was right in the world.) Then I'll show up and realize that, oh yeah, photos suck. And this is not the house for us. 

It's a ridiculous process. 

And the bigger issue is that houses in our area don't open up very often. Houses that meet our needs are even more rare. (The one I looked at yesterday was advertised as a 4 bedroom. It was not. The 4th bedroom was really just a big closet. {Don't ask.}) And I don't know if it works like this everywhere else in the world, but around here, you've got to be quick. Like faster than the speed of light quick. If you find a house, you put down money like yesterday. Otherwise, when you call tomorrow morning, someone else has already snatched it. (We learned that the hard way.)

So what this means for me is that I have now become a real estate stalker. And I wish I could say that's an exaggeration, but it is not. I have alerts set up on my phone to notify when new properties are listed and as soon as it notifies me, I'm on it! (It's sad, I know.)

Maybe I should just write up what I want and send it to every realtor out here...let them do the work for me. "American family seeks 4 bedroom (not 3 bedrooms and a closet) house...all 4 bedrooms are must seem very large to you as we come with a lot of *stuff* (even if we don't know what purpose it has)...ceilings must be for standardish height people (not Hobbit-height)...2+ bathrooms necessary as mother doesn't like to share with children...utility room appreciated as mother finds it gross to wash underwear in the kitchen...spacious-ish dining area appreciated as children often feel the need to play musical chairs about 10 times before a meal (and sometimes after)...double garage also appreciated due to large amounts of useless *stuff* already mentioned. Please help! Call ASAP!"

Think that would help??

Anyway, that is my annoyance. House-hunting. I need to find someone that I could pay in cookies & beer that would do it for me. I'm sure Brian would appreciate me being a little less neurotic right now. Lol! Wanna do it for me?? I promise the cookies will be delicious! :) I know you're just itching to quit your job that pays in actual money and trade it in for one that pays in cookies. That's everyone's dream, right? 

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