Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Getting Back into the Swing of Things

So greetings from the UK!! Lol

I feel like it's been an absolute eternity since I have logged on here. In reality it's only been about 2 weeks but, ohmycheese, it's been the longest 2 weeks of my entire life. For serious! I've spent more time in my car, driving back and forth to the bases in the last 2 weeks than in the last few months combined. No really. It's been something like 17 trips in the last 2 weeks. And believe me, I'm not looking forward to having to go back anytime soon. 

So let's see...what has been going on the world o' us lately? 

Well you probably already know about Brian and all of his excitement lately. (Ha!) Well that has thrown my entire world into upheaval. And really, y'all, I tend not to like upheaval. But I am finally getting things back into some kind of normal realm again. At least I'm finally caught up on my homework assignments. (And much thanks to my super awesome professor who has been so patient with me lately!! She's so awesome!)

Well, when I'm not driving back and forth to the base running errands, I've been attempting to tackle the circus that is my house. And my kids. I had a lightbulb moment during the height of the "craziness" when I realized that my kids absolutely needed to be rewarded for their awesome behavior - because they totally rock. So for the last week or so I've been working on that & I think I've finally got (most of) it finished. Yay for me! They're now getting $$ (fake $$ of course) for being totally awesome and they'll get to use that to buy special treats for themselves.

So far, it's working very well. I'm super excited! I've also spent the last few days working with Hayden on a new & improved chore chart for him. Previously, he just had the same one the girls had. And then one day it dawned on me that was kind of a dumb idea. Why you ask? Because I had to read it to him and help him mark it off. It was totally not something he could handle on his own. That's just not kosher. So he and I sat down and found pictures online & came up with a system that will work for him. I am super excited about that too! This is one he can totally do on his own. It's still a work in progress but we're getting there. And he absolutely loves it so that is a huge improvement over the last one.

Other than that, we're just hanging out. The kids are on spring break and Brian's off work for the week so we're just spending as much time together as we can. He took the kids to fly kites the other day which was so much fun for them. I, sadly, didn't go with them so I don't have any pictures to show you. He took them to get them out of the house so I could get some homework done. But I can tell you that they lost one of the kites like 10 minutes after they got out there. (We just have really bad luck with kites.) We've also been out walking when we can - just trying to enjoy the weather and all that. I did find a new church that is really pretty!

I kind of have a mild obsession with the churches around here. They're just gorgeous! I can't help it. 

But anyway, that's it for us I guess. I'm going to try to pop in a little more frequently. Even if I have to actually write it into my schedule, I'm going to make it work. :) I hope everything is going peachy for you where ever you may be! 

**Special sidenote - Thank you. Thank you for all of your love an support over the last 2 weeks!! It absolutely means the world to us and we would not have made it through without your calls and texts and all that. We love you guys!

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