Friday, March 14, 2014

Never Again, Please

When we found out we were moving over here, I spent months researching everything I could - school info, driving, housing, etc. You name it, I wanted to know about it. And during all of that I started paying attention to the weather so that I would have an idea of what to expect...even though I was still convinced that we weren't really moving. I remember there was a day when I checked to see what the weather was looking like and saw a forecast for "frozen fog". I just sat there thinking "how in the world does fog freeze??" I mean, seriously. Does it become a solid? Isn't that what happens when something freezes? Am I going to walk outside and run into a wall of fog? I was so confused.

Here we are a year and some months later and I have officially experienced the frozen fog. (And I can't even type that without smiling because it just sounds ridiculous!) 

It is the strangest thing ever, though. Not to mention, kind of creepy. (Like horror movie creepy.) And honestly, it is something I would like to avoid from here on out. Like, til the end of time. Driving in it is....well, there's no word for it. Visibility is really limited and on British roads, visibility is a must. People ride their bikes in the road here all the time. Plus there's the ditches! Ohmygeeze, the ditches! 

Some of the smaller roads here run through farm land, which really is gorgeous. The thing is, they have drainage ditches on the side of the road. And I really wish I had a picture of one, but I don't. But imagine the edge of the road, and then about a few feet over is like a 30 foot drop into a ditch full of water. Yeah. Visibility is absolutely necessary. And the frozen fog just took all of that away. (Boo on that!) Every time I checked the rear window I automatically reached for the wipers because it looked like condensation all over the glass. But it wasn't. It was just frozen fog and no amount of wiping was going to make it go away. 

Do you remember about 2 or 3 blog posts ago, I showed you the picture of the ice cream truck? It was parked in a field? Ok. Here's the same field this morning...

Yeah. Just yeah. So now you can kind of guess what the roads were like. And again, I'd really like to not ever have to drive through that again. Like ever. Thankfully though, the sun finally came out and the temperature warmed up. I guess the fog thawed (that just sounds ridiculous!) and now it's gorgeous outside! Yay! Hopefully we're done with frozen fog. Cross your fingers for me!

In other news, I have to say that Kierstin is a rockstar! She is rocking that cast like it's nobodies business. Lol! She's on day 3 now and I have not heard a single complaint come out of her mouth once. The most she's said is "Well, you know, it's kind of uncomfortable when I sleep. But I just put some extra pillows on the bed so it's ok." Every day she practices writing with her left hand so that she can still do her homework and her teacher can read it. She's even come up with genius ways of scratching her arm using a system of straws. And the other two make me so proud as well! They have stepped in to help her anytime she needs it - you know, like with tying her shoes or making her breakfast. I have some amazing kids, y'all. Seriously!

Ok, well, I think that's it for today. I do hope you have awesome weekend plans! I have no idea what we're doing. It's more exciting that way sometimes. Either way, happy Friday & happy soon-to-be weekend!

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