So I had this whole blog post planned out the other day about our weekend and never got around to writing it. (I hate when that happens.) School has started back so my free time is gone again and I'm just now sitting down and doing something other than studying.
But. We had a fabulously amazing weekend! First off, the weather has been so gorgeous! At night, it's still cold as....well, I don't know what. I was going to say cold as all hell but I don't think hell is actually cold. Well, it's really cold at night. That's what I was getting at. During the day though, the sun has been out (most of the time) and we are finally getting up into the 60s during the day. Spring is here, y'all. And I love it! The daffodils and tulips are blooming, the butterflies are coming out - so amazing, right?
The girls are loving it because warmer weather means front yard picnics with their friends. (Which I should go ahead and tell you that they are single-handedly introducing the Brit kids to corn dogs. The Brits are quite fond of the corn dog now - who knew.)
The trade-off to the warmer weather is that it smells....really smells. Spring time means prime farming time which translates into time to fertilize. And since we are surrounded by farms, it smells like manure everywhere. But enough about stinkiness and back to our weekend.
Like I said it was great! We went with some friends to a mall in London. Now, I do have to tell you that getting there was utter blasphemy!! See, I've decided that GPS's out here have a very twisted sense of humor. If you're planning on going to London - even if where you're headed is technically on the outskirts of London - it's going to make you drive through London. Like, straight into it. That GPS is going to make you commit to the journey. You're going to drive through the're going to see downtown. You have no choice in this.
Since I was doing the driving (and not by choice, mind you), our friends assured us that I would not (as in absolutely not) have to drive in London. That the mall was just off the motorway and we could go straight there. Ha! That is not what happened at all. That ridiculous GPS drove us in circles for an extra hour through the ghetto of London. That was not awesome. I was white-knuckling it the whole time to the point of losing circulation in my hands. (Driving in London is terrifying y'all.)
But we did finally make it to the mall. I survived the driving (with all my fingers intact) and managed not to kill us all. (Go me!) I wish I hadn't forgotten my phone at home - I have no pictures of the kids faces when they walked in. They had never seen a mall so big - hundreds upon hundreds of stores...and 3 food courts, which is really what they were interested in because every single one had about 4 different ice cream stores. Lol The girls found a new store that they're in love with called Smiggle. And crazy names aside, it was pure girlie heaven! Kind of like the Sanrio store, only without Sanrio. Everything was brightly colored and had cute little pictures of animals or cupcakes or whatever on them. The girls were mesmerized and I practically had to physically drag them out of there.
Hayden found the Lego store within minutes of us walking in and begged us for an eternity to go see the legos. All we heard was ", lego store...can I please have lego! Do it!....Mom please! Please lego store! Do it!" Lol! We did give in and then I didn't think we'd ever get him out of there either. I'm not normally a "mall" person - the chaos kinda drives me crazy. But the kids had an absolute blast so that made it great fun for me. They're already trying to convince us to go back again very soon. And every time they bring it up, I assure them we will go long as I don't have to drive.
So that was our weekend. I hope yours was fabulous as well, and that you're having a wonderful week! But sadly, my slacker time is over and I must get back to studying.
Much love! <3