Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Technology and I Cannot Be Friends Anymore

So I thought I'd let you about how technology and I aren't friends right now. Normally we're besties but right now.....no.

See. I don't really know what's going on but for whatever reason my internet likes to not work. There's no rhyme or reason. It just decides it doesn't feel like working. (What kind of crap is that?!) To be fair, it doesn't actually stop working, it just decides it's siesta time. So loading a page may take up to, you know, an hour. I don't actually know how long it takes really. I normally get so frustrated I just close the page after 10 minutes. But seriously yall, 10 minutes is a LONG time to wait for one page to load. I just don't have that kind of time (which really means I have the patience of a 2 year old and refuse to wait). 

And yesterday!! Oh! Yesterday my printer decided to only print the top quarter of my stuff. And of course, I reacted like any sane adult would. I walked over to it (because we have to keep it in another room right now. And the fact that it refuses to print in the office really is a story for another day). So I walked over to it, yelled very unkind things, I smacked the top of it, and demanded it start printing correctly.

Now it only prints the top and bottom quarters. Everything in the middle is still missing. 

My printer obviously has a sense of humor.

The problem here is that I have a research paper (a crazy long one) due by this weekend. This is what my paper looks like right now....

Pretty, isn't it?

Because the technology around here has decided to have a mind of its own lately, I'm going old school and writing everything by hand out of fear that my paper will get eaten by my computer. (Which reminds me, you should totally read this story. It's one of my favorite blog posts ever and exactly why I am terrified that I-Robot could happen one day). I'm digressing. 

So yeah, I've gone old school. And now my desk looks something like this....

That's not really my desk. For one thing, anyone who knows me knows that I color code a lot and that I love post-its. My actual desk is covered in color coded post-its. LOL Plus, I would never have a corded phone anywhere near me. Not only do I have the patience of a 2 year old, I also have the attention span of one. I would tangle that cord in about 5 seconds. 

But really, I would never post a real picture of my desk on here. You aren't allowed to know what it looks like right now. You might think I've crossed over into some kind of crazy place. I promise I haven't. 

So here's hoping that all things technological around here sober up and start being cooperative. At some point I'm really going to need to type that paper. And I'm really afraid that if I do it now, and hit save, my computer might interpret that as "delete-forever-into-the-infinite-abyss-that-is-the-matrix"....and I'll never get it back. 

Cross your fingers for me. 

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