Friday, February 21, 2014

I Promise I Haven't Started Raising Zoo Animals

So first, I have to tell you that last night was our monthly special needs families support group meeting. I am proud to say that I remembered my purse this time! (Yay me!) Of course, I may not ever live it down that I forgot it last time. Like ever. On the way out the door yesterday, Brian and the girls probably asked me 20 times if I had my purse and my ID. 

Yes. I remembered to grab them. Thanks. (lol) The meeting was amazing though and I'm so glad we made it out there. And I really can't wait for next month's. 

Keeping up with our usual crazy tho....Hayden got to stay home with me today. There was a situation with his normal transportation and they couldn't get here. And since I had a proctored exam for Lit class scheduled for 9:30 (meaning there was no way I could make it to his school and back in time for my test) he got to stay here. You'd think I took away all of his toys too. He was not happy about not being able to go to school. Despite his grouchiness, he's entertaining me and that's always fun. When I told him it was his snack time this morning, he ran over and grabbed the snack he packed for school. This is what I heard coming from my utility room...

Snack time! Lunchbox...check. Fruitcup...check. Spoon...check. Crackers....crackers? Where are my crackers?! Oh. Crackers...check. Juice...check. Napkin...check. Yes! Snack time!

I could not quit giggling. He's just such a funny kid. (Don't tell him that though. He doesn't like to be funny anymore.) And seriously. Having him home during my exam was interesting. I was so distracted with him that when my alarm went off telling me I had 10 minutes until my exam, I kind of panicked. I was still in my pj's and my hair pretty much looked like I lost a fight with a blow dryer. It was mad dash to change my shirt and attempt to pull my hair up into a semi-decent something or other so I didn't look like I'd been sleeping in a tree. (ha!) Hopefully it wasn't obvious. 

And my poor proctor. He was either highly entertained by listening to Hayden while I was testing...or severely traumatized. I thought it would be a good idea to turn on Avengers for Hayden - keep him occupied for at least part of my exam before he got bored with the movie and decided to come in and talk to me. That is not what happened. He did get bored. And then decided it was a brilliant idea to jump around the living room. It sounded like a herd of elephants were trying to escape. 

Poor proctor guy. I probably should have apologized for the crazy and assured him that there are, in fact, no zoo animals in my house. I didn't. I just acted like everything was normal and maybe I didn't notice what was going on. (It was an awesome parenting moment for me)

In other news, my sweet little Kierstin has her first school dance today. I'm not sure how I feel about this. What I am sure of is that her school is probably thinking I'm insane after I called (possibly more than once) to be absolutely sure that this wasn't any kind of boy-girl situation. They keep reassuring me that it is not. It's more of a school sanctioned party to help the kids relax before standardized tests start. 

I wish I could show you a picture of her this morning because she looked so cute, but I don't have one. She was adamant about not having her picture taken. Apparently the dance is not a big deal and she doesn't need her picture taken. ((And I'd like to know where my 4 year old Kierstin who loved to have her picture taken every single minute of the day has gone??))

So that is it in the world o' us I think. We have exciting plans of organizing some of our rooms this weekend. Aren't you jealous?? I know. I'm not either. :) 

Until next time! Much love!

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