Saturday, October 26, 2013

Hello From Across the Pond!

So hello and hola and all that good stuff! Welcome to our crazy! Lol

If you made it here then you know that I am (finally) taking the plunge and leaving the world of Facebook behind. A couple people have asked why so I'll give you the condensed answer - I didn't enjoy it anymore. There was a time when I really did, but in the last year or so the scales began to tip in the other direction. Lately, I realized that I was spending way too much time on something that was frustrating me more than it was making me happy. And I knew it was time when I felt better after the decision was made. Really, though, I'd rather be doing this. I've missed blogging. Like, a lot. I took a break a few years ago and never could get the timing right to get back into it. But here I am so yay!

I wanted to still have a place to keep people updated on what we're up to across the pond, pictures, random thoughts going through my head, etc. 

Anyway, know that we miss all of our family and friends, but are excited to share this journey with you. Please feel free to keep us updated on what you're doing as well. That is the #1 thing I'm going to miss about Facebook - knowing how people are doing. 

Much love guys <3


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