So right now you're probably amazed by the fact that I'm back again so soon. (I know. I'm surprised too.) But I had a few free moments so here I am. ((Yay! Don't you feel loved?!)) I kind of still feel like I'm recovering from our Scotland trip, but I think it's the end of summer exhaustion that's getting to me. Well, that and the fact that we had a super busy weekend. Maybe it's some kind of combination of all of it.
Brian and I realized last Saturday that we had some free time that day and rather than sitting around, we all hopped in the car and took the kids out to a local farm. It's probably the most amazing farm ever created...just so you know. And it is like kid paradise! I really wasn't sure we were ever going to convince ours to leave. I was pretty sure they were going try to quit school and just go live on this farm because it was that amazing. Lol
Having fun with Grandpa!! I don't know why Miss M looks so upset here.
She really did have a great time...despite the look on her face there.
They got to feed pygmy goats...which are completely adorable, by the way. So freakin tiny!!
There were these go-carts that weren't really go-carts. Whatever they were, they were excellent for getting kids to use up some extra energy. Going 5 laps around that track had the girls wiped out....for about 10 minutes.
I'm pretty sure Hayden found his calling in life -- cheating at mini golf. It was hilarious to watch, but he was so proud of himself. Lol
And of favorite part. The corn maze! There's this huge (like seriously, huge!) corn maze that we went through. And yes, Brian and I were making Children of the Corn jokes very loudly. We're obnoxious like that.
Being obnoxious in a corn maze...and getting photobombed by a shirtless kid.
Thanks kid. That sure does make it memorable!
Sunday might have been even more awesome than Saturday. (You know, if you can really top the corn maze.) We spent the afternoon in Cambridge which is always awesome. But we also went punting - Yay!!
You're probably wondering what punting is, right? I know. Before we came here, I thought punting had something to do with kicking a football. Turns out, in the UK it means riding on a these flat-ish boats down a river. (Like gondolas in Venice, except we were in England and not in a gondola.)
These are 2 of our most favorite people ever sitting with me -- Amy and Mani.
And I'm so glad they came with us. Punting would not have been the same without them.
All in all, it was a superb weekend. Exhausting, but so great. Actually, remind me another time to tell you the story about my nap on a London tour bus because I was so exhausted. But it was a good exhausted. If you're ever thinking about coming to England, do it. Sure there's all the normal touristy stuff. But there's also punting. And a corn maze.