So, wow. I was amazed at all the positive feedback on my censoring post. For serious. I was bracing for impact. Like some crazy old woman with an umbrella was going to come yell at me for speaking my mind. And because I said hell...and shit. I don't know why she'd have an umbrella, but I think she would.
In honor of that though (the feedback, not the hypothetical umbrella-weilding crazy lady) I thought I'd share the grocery shopping post that was going through my head the other day. (Hopefully I can still do it justice.)
I know I am a pain to go grocery shopping with. Brian has gone with me several times and always comments on it. He'll try to look at something and I will just disappear. And really, I blame my kids. Have you ever taken 3 kids, all under the age of 5, to Walmart on a Saturday? You have to be efficient and you have to move quickly. Otherwise you end up with random things in your cart that you don't want or need. Like socks with drunk looking cats on them, or 5 boxes of dairy-free coffee creamer. And if you try to put them back?? Oh, well, your children will scream bloody murder, insisting that they NEED that creamer. It could start the apocolypse if you don't buy dairy-free creamer for the coffee you don't drink.
I move quick in the store. I want my groceries and I want to get out because I don't want to be there. And I have yet to understand how anyone could mistake me for one of the chatty people. And, in all honesty, I know a lot of them are probably just trying to be nice. But for real folks, pick someone else.
I don't want to have a conversation about how crappy the quality of produce is. That's why I buy it off base - I don't like buying fruit that already looks like it went 10 rounds with a 4 year old hopped up on an espresso IV and a box of Lucky Charms. And I don't want to talk about GMO foods because that is a topic that's right up there with religion and politics and we just don't talk about it. And please don't bring up the 10 damn lunchables I've stuffed in my cart. This is such an issue for me. I've become overprotective of my lunchables like I created them and I blame Pinterest for it. It's become the new *thing* to make your kids these super awesome lunches with sandwiches shaped like stars and hearts and freaking rabbits. Um, hello random grocery store lady! I like sleep!!! Do you sleep? Because I would have to give up sleeping to make a sandwich shaped like a damn rabbit. So I give my kids lunchables.
Let's see,...what's in there today? Ooh. Looks like it's pizza. Awesome. And here's a granola bar. Andddddd....hmmmm....a pear. Merry Christmas.
Mom, it's February.
Well, Merry February then. Sweet! Lunch is done.
Again, I know I'm a pain to shop with, I know people probably think I'm rude when I just walk off while they're talking and if I could wear a sign that says "please don't talk to me - I just want to get my shit and get out of here" I totally would. But that would most definitely offend some people. I tell myself that it's less offensive to pretend I didn't notice they were talking. Or to mumble some incoherent response to a bagger's opinion on what I'm buying, or the weather. (Yes, dear bagger person, I get that the weather sucks. We all know and I don't want to talk about it.)
Maybe one day I won't be such a grouch when I shop. Then again, to stop being so grouchy I might have to find a way to enjoy grocery shopping and I don't see that happening.