Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Victory is Sweet

Back, many many moons ago, when Hayden was a teensy tiny baby, he had this Downs specialist that he saw. And while I don't remember a lot about the appointments (because, hello, that was 12 years ago), the one thing that I've held onto all these years & will continue to hold onto for many more was the advice she gave me. She told me to always treat him *as if*. 

.....As if one day he would be a doctor, or a teacher, or the next nobel prize winner.

....As if he would, one day, win the Olympics.

....As if he could do anything.

Because the truth of that is, the only limitations he would have would be the ones we would give him. Don't look at him and see the disability, but instead the possibility.

Over the years, we've tried to explain this to those who work with him. Sometimes they go with it, sometimes they don't. There have even been some who look at us like we're crazy because apparently we didn't get the memo that Hayden has Down Syndrome. Didn't we know that there's going to be a lot of things he just can't do?? (No, I guess I was out  sick the day that memo went around.) 

Reading has been one of the biggest "problem areas" we've had. A lot of those same people told us to just accept that he would never learn to read. It wouldn't happen. To which I say "ya one point everyone thought the world was flat...and if you sailed far enough, you'd fall off. And those same people never thought you could fly to the moon. But here we are, living on a round planet, and no one's fallen off yet. And we've even landed on the moon." 

My point. (Because I promise I have one.) It's been a long road of trial and error with the reading thing. We've tried everything. And more times than not, I end up frustrated because he's just not catching on. I think he is...he thinks he is...but he's not. (There are a lot of tears sometimes.) But this year, his teacher is on board with the "see the possibility...look at the future...see the big picture" ideas that we have. And he introduced us to the Edmark reading program, and said "what'dya think?" And Brian and I said "sure, why not? We've tried everything else. Let's do it."

At home, we work with the flashcards. We do the take home books. He works with the actual program during his school day. And slowly I've been seeing improvement. But I'll be honest...I didn't want to get too excited. I've seen it before and then I realized that it wasn't working like I'd hoped. So I just kept my fingers crossed, and my head down, and we've kept working.

But last night, Hayden and Brian and I were sitting on the couch watching that new Muppets movie. I don't know the name of it. The Muppets? Who knows...and that's totally not the point. The end of the movie came, and we were all singing and having fun to the end of the movie music. And then when it was all done, we paused the movie so it wouldn't move on to whatever was next. And this is how it went.....

Hayden: The End...
Me: yep. It's the end. {looking at the tv and realizing the screen says "The End"} Wait. What?
Hayden: {pointing to the tv} The end.
Me: Did you just read that????
Hayden: Ugh. Yes! The end! 
Me: OMG! You read that?! You can read what that says?! You can read "the end"!!!!

There were high fives and hugs and all kinds of excitement, and thankfully he didn't notice the tears in my eyes. But I am so proud of him. And, even better, he is proud of himself. That's so important! 

I feel like we're finally getting there. And that victory is super sweet y'all.

Monday, January 12, 2015


So I'm pretty sure that you've just been waiting on the edge of your seat since last week to find out how everything went at the Harry Potter Studio. Like, it's all you've been thinking about, right? You don't have anything else to do. Lol! Well! The wait is over. I can finally tell you that going back was amazing! 

One of the great things about going there is feeling like you don't have to hide your Harry Potter nerdiness. =) You can nerd out all you want! Inside the studio, everyone is a fan. A huge fan! (There are even adults in costumes.) So I can totally be all 'yeah this is from that scene in _________ where they did this and that, and oh, remember when ________ happened?'.......and I don't look like a total dork. 

What was awesome was last time we went, my attention was 1/2 on Harry Potter stuff, and 1/2 on my kids. Even though the adults outnumbered the kids, I can't help but constantly watch them. The studio gets packed and kids can wander. And my kids are huge Harry Potter fans too so they were in awe of everything just as much as we were. So I was constantly making sure I knew where each of them were every.single.second. This means I missed some stuff. But! I got to see everything the 2nd time around. I didn't have to worry about my kids wandering off or getting lost. I could give the studio & all of it's fun stuff 100% of my attention. (Yay!)

But the fabulous part...the super super awesome part...was that because we went now (instead of the summer) was Hogwarts in the Snow (a.k.a. Christmas at Hogwarts). And! They'd added some new things on top of that! So some of the areas were totally new! (Double yay!)

So pictures? Yes? And I should go ahead and tell you that there are some that you've already seen. But! It's because I just learned how to do panoramic pictures on my phone so I couldn't resist it. And yeah, they look a little wonky in a few. (Like there's a blurry line in it or something.) I don't know if I was going too fast or too slow. (I'm still learning)

The Great Hall at Christmas

Educational Decrees from Order of the Phoenix

The "Fat Lady" portrait that guarded the entrance to Gryffindor Tower

The Gryffindor boys dormitory

The Gryffindor common room

Costumes from Professor Lupin and the Boggart (dressed as Nevil's grandmother), along with things from Lupin's office

The Potions Classroom

The Burrow (a.k.a. Weasley house)

Borgin and Burke's Dark Arts Store
((this was new! Eek!!))

The Death Eaters...They recreated the scene at the beginning of Deathly Hallows (this was also new!!)

#4 Privet Drive

The costume for Aunt Marge after Harry "inflates her" in Prisoner of Azkaban

The Dementor costume


Diagon Alley (I don't know why it looks like a's not. That's just my camera...or the strange person taking the picture)

Hogwarts in the snow

So there you have it! Our trip to the Warner Brothers Harry Potter Studios 2.0. And what's crazy is....I'd probably go back again. Lol But what I'm really waiting for is the Harry Potter stuff at Universal. (I know! I know! We lived there for how many years, and never saw it? I know!!) 

Anywho! I'm off to have a productive Monday! Much love sweets!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Nerding it Up

Good morning!

So I've been back in school for a whole 4 days and it's weird. And, really, I have no idea why. Every summer, like a good little student, I enjoy the 3 month break and soak up every single non-studying minute that I can. But for some reason, taking that break in the middle of the school year completely threw me off. 

Actually, I think 2015 is throwing me off. I got up this morning and thought today was Wednesday. I was completely convinced of it! Like, I had an argument with Hayden for 10 minutes over whether or not today was Wednesday or Thursday. Turns out he was right, but don't tell him I said that. 

((Did I lose a whole day? Is the mom-crazy finally making me lose my marbles?? Does someone know where I can find more?))

But! It's really awesome that it's Thursday! Do you know why? Because you'll never guess where I'm going tomorrow. I'd let you guess, but you won't. I'm going the future. (Ha! I know. Corny! But be prepared for me to make that joke all year.) For serious though, I'm going....

...Back to Harry Potter Studios!

Eek! I'm WAY excited! 

I thought I had to wait 2 more days! But I don't! It's tomorrow! I'm doing a happy dance right now!! (ok, not really) But I'm so excited! 

Last time we went, it was for Kierstin's birthday. And it was awesome. But I'm kind of a Harry Potter nerd, in case you didn't know that. And taking 3 kids to that does not allow for adult Harry Potter nerds to spend as much time as they would like taking everything in and learning everything they can. It's just not possible. Kids get bored. They look at stuff, and go "oh, that's cool...that's pretty....take a picture....let's look at something else". And their mama is standing there like "but...wait...oh, I wanted...ugh, ok...."

So tomorrow (eeek!) I'm going back with friends (and no kids) to do it all over again and learn all the stuff I can. All the stuff I didn't get to learn the first time. 

Can you feel the excitement all the way across the pond? 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Another Year


Can you believe it's 2015? I can't. Like not at all. Where does the time go? A few days ago, Brian and I were talking about movies coming out this year and our conversation strayed to this...

Do you remember that? (You should!) So it's finally 2015....where's my hoverboard?! I'm totally kidding. I don't need a hoverboard. I'd fall on my ass. And my butt's still healing from the boulder incident in Scotland, so maybe I should avoid anything that hovers. (Yeah, that's probably for the best.)

Anywho! Did you have a wonderful Christmas? I really hope so. Ours was *delightful*. The kids will tell you that it was the best Christmas ever. (But they say that every year, so I'm not sure you should believe them.)

It was pretty awesome though. And they did make out like bandits

You may notice that Hayden has a new LeapPad there. This is my warning to all parents of kids using LeapPads. Please listen carefully. (Seriously.) Yes, I know they tell you that it's super durable. That they've made it so that kids can't really tear it up or break it and it's supposed to be near-indestructible. It's not. Should someone (even a child), say, fall...and land on it...with their will break. That screen will shatter, rendering it completely useless. So now you know.

But I suppose I should be productive. I only have a few more days until I head back to school -- wait, did you know that I took a term off? I did. I needed some time to get things done around the house. Like super cleaning and organizing. Plus, with the trip to Scotland and everything, I just thought it would be best. But! I start back on Monday so I only have a few more days for *me*. (Which really translates into, a few more days to lay around and read as much as I want without feeling guilty about it.)

I do hope your 2015 is getting off to a super start! Happy New Year sweeties! <3