I really can't believe it's been 2 weeks since I've written anything. And because it's been 2 weeks...and because the kids summer break is starting to suck out my sanity...we're going to go with a "random brain dump" today
~ I would love to sit here and tell you that we've been super busy doing fabulously entertaining things and that's why I haven't popped on in 2 weeks....but we haven't. What we have done is sit in front of the air conditioning unit in the living room to try to stay cool-ish.
See, we finally hit our 2 weeks of serious *summer* weather. And I know it doesn't get as hot here as it does back in the States. But believe me, when the temperature outside is 85ish, and you don't have air conditioning...but you do have a lot of windows, your house heats up really quick. ((Our house got up to a sweltering 102 about a week or so ago......))
~ I really miss air conditioning sometimes, but I'm thankful that most days we really don't need it.
~ I have found a new love in life. And much to Brian's dismay have become mildly obsessed with this new love.
That is a White Stilton Cheese with Apricots in it (on a rice cake)
Introduced to me by our Brit friends at our "Cheese I Don't Know" Party. I am IN LOVE!!
~ We are officially halfway through our time here. And I am sad. We have made some amazing friends here - the kind that you just hit it off with instantly & that your life is so much more blessed because of & I can't imagine not seeing them all the time. (I have super sad face and I really hope that the next year and a half goes like snail-speed slow.)
~ This is really what I've been doing for the last 2 weeks....
This is a scrapbook (sort of) of our time here in England.
Our move from FL, the food, the markets, our friends, the fun stuff we've found and places we've visited. Just everything!
And truth be told, when I started working on it, I planned on doing a little at a time. But once I started I couldn't stop. I just threw myself into it and forgot about everything else.
~ Brian and I go back to school in 2 weeks. I'm registered and already have my books and everything I need. .....And I'm impatient. I'm ready to start now. And it's taking an immense amount of patience and self-control to not start reading now. Don't judge me. I like my classes! And I've been looking forward to my Abnormal Child Psych class for a very long time! But I'm torn between my love of school and my need to not be *that* student (the one that starts studying 2 weeks before classes start). What's a girl to do??
~ I also really really need to rearrange something! I used to rearrange our furniture every few months in Florida. And that's just not possible here. I've done a few things - we gave Kierstin her own room...we converted our dining room into an office. But other than that, our furniture fits each room the way we have it. It gives me sad face because I have an itch that needs to be scratched!
So that's that. My Random Brain Dump Wednesday. =)
I hope you are having a wonderful week! <3