Tuesday, February 5, 2013

New Beginnings

The sun setting on our last days in Florida

This began as a way to keep the blog that I wrote while we were in England - to memorialize our time there and hold on to the memories that are so easily forgotten. As I began cataloging old posts and old pictures, I realized that limiting this book to only that wouldn't do our time there justice. So much happened that I didn't talk about - things that only we know about, only we experienced. Truthfully, as much as I tried to capture our years in England here, I'm still not sure I did it justice. 

It wasn't always the easiest (hello snail-speed internet and wonky oil heating) but it was our journey. So many people spend years (if not their entire lives) waiting for the chance to visit other countries and we were given the opportunity to live in one, to embrace their culture, and to experience so many new things. I wanted this book to be a celebration of that. To honor everything we went through as a family and the journey we went on together.


Goodbye, America & Hello, England!

Waiting to board the plane for our new adventure